Sunday, September 24, 2006

Chuck is the man...NOT!

Okay, okay, so I'm getting a lot of flack for not updating this blog in quite some time. I could make up some fancy excuse...abduction by aliens, etc...but the truth is that it just kept slipping my mind. So anyway, Coop du Jour is back for your viewing pleasure (unless you're a State fan). Some of you may have seen this video before, but I had to put it up here cause it's H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!!!


mestler said...

I like his big red pimp hat!

Brad said...

I have one just like it. I only wear it on days that end in Y.

Chris and Melissa Beahm said...

You need more blogging about that awesome macbook you have now. There is not nearly enough about it.

mestler said...

Days that end in Y eh...well that just sucks for everyone on Monday, I mean, Tuesday, oh shoot, on Wedne... no wait, crap

Every day is pimp hat day!