Wednesday, March 21, 2007

7 Movies for '07

The summer movie season is fast approaching, so it's time to start pondering the age-old question, "Which movies am I willing to throw down $8.25 to see and not end up disappointed afterwards?" Well, friends, I'm here to help! Here's my breakdown of some of the most exciting movies coming out in the months ahead:

1. "TMNT" (March 23rd) - Yes, I know this isn't technically a "summer movie" but it is definitely one you can't miss. I know all you 20/30-something guys out there remember the 80's cartoon with Mike, Raph, Leo, and Don. For those of you who need a head's up on the turtles, click here. Whether you're an old fan or new to the turtles, this film will not disappoint! From the few trailers I've seen, the computer animation is amazing and the action is intense!

2. "Hot Fuzz" (April 20th) - I owe this one to my brother-in-law, Matt. He introduced me to the low budget British horror/comedy "Shaun of the Dead." If you haven't seen "Shaun" then you need to rent it ASAP. "Hot Fuzz" is another comedy starring the same duo from "SOTD" and looks absolutely hilarious!

3. "Spiderman 3" (May 4th) - DUH!!! I don't think I need to say anything about this one. Anyone who knows me should already know about 4,387,544 reasons why they should see this movie!

4. "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" (May 25th) - I have to admit...I wasn't too thrilled about this one since the second installment wasn't so hot. However, I saw the first trailer of "POTC3" the other day and it looks AMAZING. Plus, my super intelligent wife reminded me of the fact that the second movie in a trilogy almost always lets you down (Spiderman 2 being a notable exception)

5. "Fantastic Four 2" (June 15th) - I know a lot of people complained about the first installment of the Fantastic Four series, but I honestly liked it a lot and I can't wait to see the next one. Anyone who has seen the trailer with the Silver Surfer HAS to admit he looks awesome.

6. "Transformers" (July 4) - Earth invaded by aliens...Giant transforming robots...Explosions courtesy of Michael Bay...can anyone say "popcorn movie?" I'm sure this one won't be too deep in the plot department, but every now and then your inner geek just needs to sit back, relax, and watch alien robots kick the ba-geezus out of each other.

7. "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" (July 13th) - Rebecca, what better way to spend the 5th anniversery of our wedded bliss than to see Harry Potter once again on the big screen? For all you fans of the books, you know you're going to love this one. For all of you who aren't fans of the books...well...are their any of you out there?

That's it folks...hope you enjoy the movies...comments are appreciated as always!


Chris and Melissa Beahm said...

I am going to be flat broke after watching that many movies.

Don't forget about National Treasure 2: Book Of Secrets. Dec. 21st, 2007. The sequel to the 3rd best Nicholas Cage movie ever (1st being faceoff, 2nd being Gone in 60 sec, 3rd - National Treasure).

Brad said...

You need to be studying instead of watching movies, anyway, Mr. MBA.

Oh're going to NC State...forget what I said about studying...enjoy the movies!